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Watchpoint Supports Books In Homes USA With Literacy at Randall Elementary Volunteer Effort

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

At Watchpoint Logistics, Inc., we believe in the power of literacy and are committed to building a brighter future for our community through investment in education.

Our partnership with Books In Homes USA is a huge part of our journey toward that goal. Recently, Watchpoint volunteers participated in a special literacy event in Milpitas, CA at Randall Elementary involving students of all ages. We donated a total of 873 books, and 15 volunteers from the Watchpoint Logistics team read stories to the children in both Spanish and English! On their way out, the volunteers were greeted and thanked by the student council who thanked them in several different languages!

Co-principal Claudia Cadenas called it an “amazing morning”, stating, “Our students and teachers are thrilled with the books and the time you took to share a story with us. It takes a village to educate a child and we appreciate you being here with us.”

"I got to enjoy the ‘big kids’ getting read to. They may pretend they are too old for that, but they absolutely adore it. And having another adult, from the outside community, support their literacy development is priceless," said co-principal Kristan Prolo.

Watchpoint’s HR coordinator Hana Bellin coordinated the effort. "It was a true privilege to have the opportunity to read to the students. They were wonderful and very welcoming. We are excited to continue developing this partnership with Randall Elementary!" she said.

The event was part of our ongoing commitment to Books In Homes USA and their mission to "end booklessness" and help children develop a lifelong love for reading. Founded in 2008, the organization has supplied over 897,000 books to children in underserved communities nationwide, helping them gain reading confidence and putting the world at their fingertips through books and stories.

According to the International Literacy Association, improved literacy directly correlates with the following benefits for communities worldwide:

● Reduced poverty

● Reduced early mortality rates

● Stronger economies

● Increased community development

● Improved personal wellbeing

Investing in literacy is a quantifiable way to support a brighter tomorrow for our community here in the Bay Area and communities worldwide. We are proud of our partnership with Books In Homes USA and the positive impact we can make together.

We encourage you to join our efforts. When you give directly to Books In Homes, 100% of your donation goes to empowering children by providing books and encouraging a lifelong love of reading.

Thank you to our outstanding team members who generously donated their time to participate in this fantastic event and to everyone at Randall Elementary for their hospitality and enthusiasm. Watchpoint looks forward to continuing our collaboration and finding more ways to create significant change in our community.

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